Getting Ready For Winter

Is your windshield ready for Winter? Although we swear to ourselves not to wait until the next rain storm, or blizzard to realize we need new wipers, we usually do. Inevitably, we’re just trying to get home from a long day at the office when a sudden downpour starts; we fire up the wipers and they can’t clear the water or snow.

There we are squinting through the blurry windshield trying to make out the radar blip of distant taillights, cursing ourselves for not changing the wipers the last time we said we were going to.

If you get your oil changed regularly, you’re probably in good shape. Service stations often check the wipers for you. Vehicle manufacturer’s typically recommend that you replace your wipers every six months.

To prevent this frustration, the next time you’re near a Speedy Glass store, pick up a couple of replacements to have on hand. Depending on what part of the county you are in, the rubber wiper portions generally only last six months to one year. If you are in need of wipers today, the technicians are happy to install them free of charge.

And just because you live in a region country where it barely drips rain, do not be misled into thinking your wipers are immortal. They aren’t. The sun bakes and cracks them into oblivion. Plus, if you use your wipers to constantly clear road gunk from the windshield, those bits of debris that are seeming tossed to the wayside slowly eat away at the wipers and scratching your windshield.

So, when was the last time you replaced your windshield wipers, including that one on your rear glass? Don’t worry about having streaking wipers… come to Speedy today and let us give you back a clear view of the road!

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